Transdev Recognized with Safety Awards from Lytx
The health and safety of our employees, passengers and the communities we serve continues to be our highest priority. It’s embedded into our Safety First commitment. What better way to share how our safety commitment comes to life than to celebrate our employees and their accomplishments.
Recently, two of our team members, Briere Melias and Brandon Tufillaro were recognized by Lytx for their impressive safety records in the Driver of the Year and Coach of the Year categories, respectively.
“We couldn’t be prouder of Briere and Brandon for being recognized among an elite group of professionals for their positive influence on roadway safety,” said Lauren Skiver, Transdev COO responsible for safety, maintenance, rail, NEMT and fleet services.

Brandon Tufillaro
Safety Manager — Elmira, New York

Briere Melias
Operator — Kennesaw State University, Georgia
Lytx selected the top three drivers and top three coaches from a record number of nominations they had received. “This type of recognition shows how Transdev’s commitment to safety is leading the way in our industry. A huge congratulations to both Briere and Brandon,” added Lauren Skiver.
The 2024 Lytx honorees were nominated by their peers or managers who identified them for demonstrating exceptional work in the fields of services/utilities, transit/motor coach, for-hire trucking, private truck fleet/distribution, and waste/construction.
Briere Melias, our operator at our Kennesaw State University in Georgia, won second place as the 2024 Lytx Inc Driver of the Year in the Transit/Motor Coach sector. And, Brandon Tufillaro, our Safety Manager at our Elmira, New York location, won second place for the Lytx Coach of the Year in the same Transit/Motor Coach sector.
Comments from the Nominators and the Winners:
Briere Melias was nominated by Erica Massicott, General Manager at Kennesaw. As part of the nomination, Erica Massicott said, “Briere has been a safe and reliable driver with us since 2006 – never involved in any preventable or nonpreventable accidents, nor has he ever had a Lytx video event.” She added, “he comes to work every day with a purpose and a smile and his love for his daily passengers shines through him. He is known for his love of being the safest driver on the road.”
“When I began with the company in 2006, I made a commitment to not only the company but to myself to be the best, safest driver on the roadway,” said Melias. “I took that commitment seriously, and come to work every day with a positive mindset and determination to be the best I can be out on the road. Even when I have issues going on outside of work, when I clock in for my shift, those issues get put in the backseat so that my passengers and the vehicles around me have a safe and focused driver behind the wheel. I am honored to be recognized and awarded in this Driver of the Year event,” added Melias.
Brandon Tufillaro was nominated by Adam Moore, General Manager at Transdev’s Chemung County, City of Corning and Steuben County operations in Elmira, NY. “In his role as Road Supervisor, Brandon took on helping the then Safety Manager with coaching. His impact on safety as significant and became even more clear based on the changes in behavior and increased coaching scores during his three-month leave at the beginning of the year,” explained Moore. “Upon his return he made it his mission to get the locations back to where they were – and he did. And, in addition to improving our locations score overall, Brandon helped our locations get our drivers removed from the top riskiest drivers list. His dedication to ensuring we have safe drivers and an overall positive safety culture earned Brandon an official promotion to Safety Manager where he continues to provide excellent coaching to all our drivers,” Moore concluded proudly.
“Receiving this recognition means a lot to me and has shown me how the safety culture we are striving for at Transdev is working,” shared Brandon Tufillaro. “Coaching for me is an opportunity to help our operators evolve as drivers and gain the crucial safety skills to keep our fleets the safest on the road. I can’t think of a more impactful role I can have in our organization. I am humbled to be recognized for it.”
Congratulations to our winners who live our purpose and our commitment to safety daily.