September 13, 2022
Laura Hendricks, Transdev U.S. CEO, Available to the Media During Climate Week NYC
Laura Hendricks, CEO for Transdev U.S., will be a panelist in a Climate Week NYC roundtable, Break the ICE: The Role Global Partnerships Play in Driving the Zero Emission Vehicle Transition, on September 21 at 9am EDT. This event is open to Climate Week NYC credentialed press.
Laura will be available to the media during #ClimateWeekNYC on Monday, September 19 and Wednesday, September 21 to discuss her panel topic, along with her plan for a collective commitment to shift from car ridership to public transportation (a topic she outlines in her recent op-ed arguing that such initiatives are now necessary following the upending of the world of energy since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February).
Her Op-Ed titled, ‘Why improving urban mobility requires a new commitment to sustainable public transportation’ is available here. In it, she calls for specific assurances from transportation and mobility providers, public transit authorities, drivers and passengers, associations for the environment and urban transportation, and government. Each would pledge to specified actions to reach the common objectives of decreasing the average number of trips taken by car globally from 85% to 60%.
The proposal is an example of Transdev’s commitment to public-private partnerships for sustainable public transportation to achieve cleaner and more energy-efficient means of transportation.
Transdev is one of the largest private providers of multiple modes of transport in North America. Cities, counties, airports, companies and universities contract with Transdev to operate their transportation systems. Since 2016, Transdev has been a pioneer in the deployment, operations and innovation of zero emission and electrification of public transportation.
Twitter: @TransdevNA
LinkedIn: Transdev North America
Relevant Links:
– Laura Hendricks, Biography
– Op-Ed: Why improving urban mobility requires a new commitment to sustainable public transportation
Ms. Mitun Seguin, 301.674.3733