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Transdev takes center stage in Future of Mobility discussions

By March 12, 2021 News

Chicago, IL – March 12, 2021

Transdev takes center stage in Future of Mobility discussions

In an effort to make transportation safer, cleaner and equitable, our Transdev Group CEO Thierry Mallet has joined a global commission that has been assembled to address and shape the future of mobility…globally.

Thierry Mallet is one of four co-chairs leading this 16-person commission. The commission was put together by Robbie Diamond, CEO of SAFE – an organization whose mission is to enhance economic and energy independence through transportation changes. Two of the other co-chairs are Jim Farley, Ford CEO, who is representing the auto industry and Mary Nichols, the former head of the California Air Resources Board and a prominent environmental regulator. The fourth co-chair is Jared Cohon, former president of Carnegie Mellon University and chairman of the National Academies Board on Energy and Environmental Systems.

This commission and its work are receiving a lot of attention and its recommendations are much anticipated, as they are truly laying the groundwork for “what’s next” in mobility. The fact that they are neither a government group, nor an industry group – but instead a team of powerful players who represent all interests and have the power to persuade is contributing to the promise.

Read more in this recent Detroit Free Press article.