Chief Operating Officer
Rail, NEMT, Fleet Services, Safety and Maintenance

Lauren Skiver brings her extensive transit career experience to Transdev U.S. and to her Chief Operating Officer (COO) role where she has operational and fiscal responsibility for the Fleet Services, Non-Emergency Medical Transport (NEMT) and Rail businesses, along with responsibility for the Maintenance, Safety and Security teams at Transdev. She works closely with Susan Sweat, Transdev Chief Operating Officer over all Transit and Performance.
Lauren has an impressive transit career which started in 1996 as a Maintenance Clerk at Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART). Her career progression includes such roles as Director of Paratransit and Customer Service at HART, Director of Mobility Services at Maryland Transit Administration (MTA), Deputy Chief Operating Office of Core Services at MART overseeing all operating modes including light rail, subway and bus, CEO of Delaware Transit Corporation and CEO / General Manager of SunLine Transit Agency in Thousand Palms, California.
Lauren is also a U.S. Army Veteran who specialized in Military Intelligence as an Imagery Analyst and served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. She currently serves as Chair of Leadership APTA, which focuses on developing visionary and resilient leaders for the transit industry. And, from 2020 to 2023, she was Chair of the California Hydrogen Business Council and helped bring attention nationwide to the benefits of hydrogen fuel cell technology.