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Modernizing the Streetcar

Bringing expertise from the U.S. and around the world.

Cities in North America are embracing a new trend in mobility: the modern streetcar. As operators of some of the newest streetcars in Cincinnati and Milwaukee, we are poised to help deliver service to enhance integrated mobility in city centers.

Transdev’s expertise around the world includes 33 major rail networks on five continents. Our portfolio of success in light-rail and streetcar systems helps cities realize their vision for downtown revitalization through better mobility.

Our global expertise designing, creating, operating and maintaining streetcar and light-rail systems is helping communities realize the full scope of benefits they deliver:  improved transit options, economic growth and renewed neighborhoods.

23 major light rail systems globally

750 million passenger trips
each year

Delivering Global Best Practices

Our worldwide reputation is built upon our expertise in all aspects of streetcar and light-rail development. We are committed to helping clients benefit from the lessons we have learned.

For example, we’ve learned that dedicated rights of way, signal prioritization and well-spaced stations are only a few of the recommendations that can lead to early and ongoing success with a new streetcar system. Close collaboration with the city in educating pedestrians and motorists about operating safely and efficiently in close proximity to rail service can make all the difference in getting the most added mobility out of your investment. Public education, signal coordination, traffic management, and modifying parking habits through messaging and enforcement are essential elements.

Similarly, building ridership requires focused attention to attract regular downtown residents and workers, conventioneers and tourists.


Every business owner wants a station outside their door, but the best streetcar systems have stops a half-mile apart allowing easy walkability

Right of way

Where dedicated right of way is unavailable, a smart collaboration between an experienced operator like Transdev and the city can create safe, convenient, and attractive experiences for streetcar rides, pedestrians and motorists.


New rail systems should connect multi-modal centers of transit activity and facilitate seamless connections between each mode, from bicycling and local buses to intercity rail service

Parking politics

Study after study reveals foot traffic increases as parking spots decrease—it’s good business


Streetcars and light-rail systems are a reflection of each individual city’s culture—take the opportunity to engage with the arts community and partner with them to enhance the culture of the city at each stop

Signal priority

Traffic patterns in cities can shape the success of streetcar systems. Make sure traffic lights are timed to allow the free-flow of the streetcar in and around the city or—better yet—time streetcar signals to give transit riders the benefit by allowing streetcars to proceed first.

Your Partner at Every Stage

Transdev is a committed partner and can serve communities at every step of the streetcar lifecycle. We stand with you as you articulate your vision and work to turn that vision into a reality.


Examining population densities and shaping system that serves as many residents as possible is the key goal. Walkability and accessibility are key design criteria.


Whether it’s laying rail with care and skill given the under-street water infrastructure in New Orleans or integrating light rail with bus feeder networks in France,  we have delivered on time and on budget in very challenging environments.


Daily operations must be highly focused on uncompromising safety, and passenger convenience. A strong app with real-time location of the streetcar and accurate arrival times is essential to driving usage and loyalty.


Hundreds of millions of dollars are invested by our clients in infrastructure. Early and continued best practices in vehicle and track maintenance are essential and boost the lifespan of these major capital investments.

Creating the Ideal Passenger Experience

Passengers crave two aspects of public transit: frequency and reliability.

There is an art to optimizing the frequency of service within a city’s financial and operational environment. Matching periods of peak demand with vehicular and manpower deployment makes your dollars go as far as possible. Apps that show the real-time location of the streetcar with accuracy are vitally important, as are mobile ticketing apps. We can provide the planning and the technology in an integrated, field-tested package.

We have proven methodologies for third-party audits of our performance with our Mystery Traveler program, and managing and responding to customer feedback from all channels with our comprehensive LISTEN platform and processes. We have rigorous processes for auditing the Customer Experience from the vantage point of multiple personas, and prioritizing the items that need to be remedied. These are part of a full Transdev toolkit to optimize the passenger experience.

Trip Planning

Our mobile apps give you trip planning at your fingertips


Mobile ticketing and real-time arrival information get you on-board, on time


Safe operators and clean vehicles await you every time


Optimized service design enhances multi-modal connections


First- and last-mile solutions get you to your destination when walking and biking are not options


Social media outreach and post-trip engagement help us improve


Creating an optimal customer experience includes providing tools that help riders connect to and navigate  the network.  Our proprietary GoMobile app features rider alerts, nearby stops, real-time arrival information and ticketless fare payment. We provide alerts on favorite routes and other information throughout the journey. Everything passengers need is at their fingertips.

Learn more about GoMobile.

Rail and Streetcar

Meeting headways can be challenging in the mixed-use traffic environment where streetcars are in “normal” traffic. Using software that helps our Bus Rapid Transit system in Bogotá, Columbia, we implemented new software in Cincinnati that prevents “bunching” of vehicles and accurately meters streetcars to ensure the promised frequency is met.

Auditing Our Progress

We have proven methodologies for third-party audits of our performance with our Mystery Traveler program, as well as for managing and responding to customer feedback from all channels with our comprehensive LISTEN software and processes. Using our global program T.eX, we audit the customer experience from the vantage point of multiple personas, and prioritizing the items that need to be remedied.

Learn more about the toolkit we use to optimize the passenger experience.


Creating an optimal customer experience includes providing tools that help riders connect to and navigate  the network.  Our proprietary GoMobile app features rider alerts, nearby stops, real-time arrival information and ticketless fare payment. We provide alerts on favorite routes and other information throughout the journey. Everything passengers need is at their fingertips.

Learn more about GoMobile.


Meeting headways can be challenging in the mixed-use traffic environment where streetcars are in “normal” traffic. Using software that helps our Bus Rapid Transit system in Bogotá, Columbia, we implemented new software in Cincinnati that prevents “bunching” of vehicles and accurately meters streetcars to ensure the promised frequency is met.

Auditing Our Progress

We have proven methodologies for third-party audits of our performance with our Mystery Traveler program, as well as for managing and responding to customer feedback from all channels with our comprehensive LISTEN software and processes. Using our global program T.ex, we audit the customer experience from the vantage point of multiple personas, and prioritizing the items that need to be remedied.

Learn more about the toolkit we use to optimize the passenger experience.

A Strong Commitment to Safety

Safety is at the heart of everything we do, every day.

Engaging employees in safety takes continual effort, emphasis, reinforcement and recognition. We have multiple programs and employee engagement tools to ensure that our people, at all levels, priotritize uncompromising safety above all.

Self-reporting close calls and near accidents

Because of that culture, operators are comfortable reporting mistakes for further examination after shift’s end. They do so without fear of penalty or retribution to work toward a common goal: the safest system possible.

Good faith challenges

All operators and maintenance technicians are free at any time to refuse to perform—without punishment—an act they deem unsafe and not in the best safety interests of the operation.

Safety in our communities

Beyond our commitment to providing our operators with vigorous training on all aspects of streetcar operations, we help our clients inform police, fire fighters, utilities, motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians regarding how streetcars affect the urban landscape.

Maintenance Excellence

Operating the oldest and newest streetcar systems in the country presents unique maintenance challenges.

In New Orleans, we are responsible for building all the parts necessary for repairs because the iconic Perley Thomas streetcars, a national landmark, must be prepared using century old tools and practices. Our red streetcars, however, are fully modern light rail vehicles underneath a charming historic exterior appearance.

In Cincinnati, Detroit, and Milwaukee, the streetcars are absolutely state of the art—only a few are in service in North America—requiring Transdev to work closely with the manufacturers to develop skills, training, supply chains and technical support not available anywhere else. Transdev is the only company operating the innovative off-wire, battery powered cars.

For us, maintaining many different types of streetcar vehicles requires a broad mix skills and capabilities, including rigorous adaption to our framework maintenance practices and intelligent local adaptations.

Learn more about our maintenance programs.

Specialists in Track Infrastructure

Transdev’s rail infrastructure and maintenance group, helps our clients fill a growing need in an expensive area.

Our goal is to serve as a single stop for agencies seeking any aspect of public transportation service from Rail and Streetcar operations and maintenance to maintenance of way and track work. Our extensive record maintaining and building rail systems helps Transdev achieve that goal.

Maintenance and upkeep of rail networks is critical to ensure future service. Though decades of experience, we know that that missing service and safety work on infrastructure can often lead to schedule adjustments that hamper the passenger experience.

Transdev has diverse experience working as both the prime and subcontractor as well as under various contractual frameworks. We offer a fully integrated, complete package of services-from project management and railroad maintenance to design and new construction. Transdev is skilled at managing projects at night to minimize revenue service interruptions.

6,000 miles of rail

Transdev’s rail maintenance and infrastructure group has constructed and maintained more than 6,000 miles of rail—enough to cross the continent twice. Our state-of-the-art equipment and dedication to uncompromising safety help projects finish on time and on budget.

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