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Positive Feedback Goes a Long Way

At their recent board meeting, our South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) client gave our rail team a great shoutout on the positive work they have been doing on this contract of late….using terms like “could not be prouder” and “results speak for themselves” when referring to Transdev. Great job team!
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Relay Hits the Streets in Fairfax County

We are excited to announce that we helped our client, Fairfax County, launch passenger service on the first publicly funded Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) pilot project in Virginia. The CAV, named ‘Relay’, provides an ideal first/last mile transportation solution to the area.
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Mobility Change Maker Recognition in Lancaster, CA (AVTA)

Latasha Gillespie, Transit Operator in Lancaster, CA, was recently recognized as a Mobility Change Maker for her heroic actions. Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA) general manager, Rene Alvarez, and operations manager Kieth Mbulo, took the time to present her with a certificate and a token of appreciation from the Transdev family.
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Transdev Plays Key Role in New Association for Private Sector Operators

As you likely recently heard, Transdev North America was one of the six founding members of the North American Transit Alliance (NATA) and our CEO, Dick Alexander, was named as NATA’s first Chairman. Dick and WC Pihl, SVP of Business Development, who is also a member of NATA’s founding team, are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for the organization and the influence NATA can have on the future of transit.
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