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Earth Day: April 22, 2022

Earth Day started April 22, 1970 and for 50+ years it has become an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection. We are committed to supporting our clients achieve their sustainability goals with expertise on vehicles, fuels, facilities and many other aspects.
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Ask Me Anything “Nugget” #2

To conclude Women’s History Month, we wanted to share our second installment of our “Ask Me Anything” nuggets with you. This nugget also comes from our most recent session, held earlier this month in conjunction with International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. It’s in response to the question: “Do you feel you weren’t taken seriously in your current role because of your age?”
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

To really “Go Green” on St. Patrick'sDay, always keep public transportation top-of-mind. Riding public transit is always a better choice for the environment. Think transit today and beyond for a sustainable and greener tomorrow.
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January is National Mentoring Month!

Studies show that having a mentor throughout your career can make a positive impact on your career. Have you had an experience with a mentor who's made a positive impact of you during your career? Or, have you helped someone along the way and wondering how they are doing? Think about using National Mentor Month to check in and reconnect with them or share your story with others.
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