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Heart Month: Keep Moving

Our final heart healthy tip for February Heart Month talks about the importance of physical activity and the need to keep moving through the day. Physical activity is a great way to help protect your heart from heart disease. Keep your heart healthy and aim for at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate physical activity every week.
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Heart Month: What’s on the Menu?

A healthy diet that is low in sodium and saturated fat is key to heart disease prevention. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan was put together to help lower high blood pressure. It requires no special foods and provides daily and weekly nutritional goals.
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Heart Month: Know your Numbers and Set your Goals

Heart disease is largely preventable, yet many Americans remain at risk of getting it. Smoking, being overweight, having diabetes, having unhealthy blood cholesterol levels, or having a family history of heart disease, increases the likelihood you'll develop heart disease. Know your numbers, understand your risks and set achievable goals.
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