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Burlington Link Bus Operator Receives Driver of the Year Award from the NCPTA

Safety Corner

Transdev is excited to announce that one of its long-term drivers at its Burlington Link contract, Mr. Robert Moore Jr., recently received North Carolina Public Transportation Association’s (NCPTA) Driver of the Year award at NCPTA’s Conference, Expo and Roadeo in Concord, NC. Congratulations!

Mr. Moore has been a professional bus operator for 30 years, 17 of those have been with Transdev – the last six years at Burlington Link.

“Mr. Moore is a hardworking, kindhearted operator, who is always going above and beyond for his passengers, co-workers and management,” said Dana Bullock, Transdev’s Operations Manager at Burlington’s Link Transit. “He not only dresses the part of a professional, wearing his crisp, clean uniforms with a tie and a safety pin on the collar, but his everyday actions support who he is. He’s punctual, detailed and safety oriented – he always carries his safety messages with him in his safety vest, and regularly leads the site’s new hire safety trainings,” added Dana Bullock. “He’s a great mentor and truly someone both our new and veteran employees look up to.”

Left to right – Justin Augustine (VP of Operations), Robert Moore Jr. (Driver), John Andoh (Burlington client)

When asked what he likes about being an operator, Mr. Moore talks about the people – both the people he works with and his passengers. “Treat people as you want to be treated is my philosophy. I believe that way of thinking helps me be a good employee, a good trainer and a good driver,” said Mr. Moore. “I am grateful for this award and appreciative of Transdev for the opportunities and the recognition they have given me.”

“Mr. Moore is a great employee. He is always willing to help when needed, with a smile and his warm demeanor. He is a great asset to Link Transit and is very much deserving of this award,” Richard Ticehurst, Transdev’s General Manager at Burlington Link, concluded.

Congratulations and thank you for representing Transdev so well and living our purpose every day!

Robert Moore Jr. (Driver) + John Andoh (Burlington client)

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