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CEO Laura Hendricks Elected as NATA Vice Chair

Safety Corner

NATA, the North American Transit Alliance, just announced that our CEO Laura Hendricks has recently been elected to be NATA’s vice chair. Congratulations Laura!

Here’s what Laura said following the announcement:

“Transdev is proud to be a member of NATA and I am proud to be serving in this capacity. Together at NATA, we are advocating for tomorrow’s mobility needs on behalf of our combined workforce while promoting innovation, equity and sustainability in transportation. We are also working with our agency partners and providing solutions-driven expertise. As private contractors, we are helping agencies rethink and reimagine how transportation services are delivered.”


The North American Transit Alliance (NATA) is comprised of the six largest private transit contracting firms that operate and maintain critical ADA paratransit, fixed route, and other transportation services on behalf of U.S. transportation agencies nationwide. NATA was created to further transit innovation and advocate for its workforce, who serve and transport some of our most vulnerable citizens, including seniors and ADA-eligible riders. NATA’s member organizations make up 15 percent of the U.S. public transportation workforce, encompassing more than 74,000 total employees.

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Transdev Vet Pins On Their Way for Armed Forces Day (May 18)

Thank you to all our veterans who have signed up to receive their Transdev Veterans Pins. You should be receiving your pins in the mail this week. In case you missed out, we mail them out twice a year – in May and again in November around Veterans Day. You can still sign up.

In Other News

Transdev Vet Pins On Their Way For Armed Forces Day (May 18)

Transdev Vet Pins On Their Way for Armed Forces Day (May 18)

Thank you to all our veterans who have signed up to receive their Transdev Veterans Pins. You should be receiving your pins in the mail this week. In case you missed out, we mail them out twice a year – in May and again in November around Veterans Day. You can still sign up.