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Did You Know? Women’s Equality Day is August 26

Safety Corner

Women’s Equality Day is celebrated in the United States on August 26.

The day commemorates the 1920 adoption of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the constitutional right to vote.

The U.S. Congress designated August 26 as Women’s Equality Day in 1971.

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As always, we strive to honor our commitment to sustainability as a way we show care for our passengers and for the communities we serve. It’s about our purpose of serving the common good. Whether at home or at our locations, we can all play a part in helping our environment.
Calling All Transdev Vets!

Calling All Transdev Vets!

To recognize and thank our military veterans for their service and for choosing Transdev as their second career, we launched our Transdev Veterans Pin program last November. If you would like to participate, simply fill out our form to get your pin. Pins are distributed twice a year (November and May).

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Earth Day: April 22, 2024

Earth Day: April 22, 2024

As always, we strive to honor our commitment to sustainability as a way we show care for our passengers and for the communities we serve. It’s about our purpose of serving the common good. Whether at home or at our locations, we can all play a part in helping our environment.
Calling All Transdev Vets!

Calling All Transdev Vets!

To recognize and thank our military veterans for their service and for choosing Transdev as their second career, we launched our Transdev Veterans Pin program last November. If you would like to participate, simply fill out our form to get your pin. Pins are distributed twice a year (November and May).