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Staying Cool, Calm, and Collected

Safety Corner

Navigating conflict as an operator or professional in the transit industry can be challenging, but mastering the art of staying cool, calm, and collected is essential for maintaining a productive and safe environment.

Learn more about practical tips and tools to help you diffuse tense situations, communicate effectively, and keep your composure under pressure. Whether you’re dealing with a difficult passenger or managing a team through a crisis, these strategies will equip you with the skills needed to handle conflict with confidence and grace.


5 Steps to Diffusing Conflict


  1. Prevent problems before they happen
    • Prepare Yourself Mentally and Physically
      • Look and feel professional
      • Practice wellness, including proper rest and hydration
    • Welcome Passengers
      • A smile and hello can go a long way
  2. Listen to Passengers’ Concerns
    • Listen to understand
    • Ask questions to clarify the problem
    • Empathize with the passenger
    • Never ignore passengers and their concerns
  3. Perception vs. Reality
    • Remember to separate perception from reality, as misunderstandings often arise from differing viewpoints.
    • Keeping in mind the distinction between intent and impact helps acknowledge that actions, regardless of intention, can affect others differently, fostering empathy and resolution.
  4. Attitude and Emotional Intelligence
    • Be aware of how your emotional response can be perceived
      • Emotional Responses to Conflict
        • We choose our attitude every day and the way we feel dictates our response to situations.
        • When we react emotionally, we do not think clearly about facts
        • Emotional responses may sometimes cloud real issues
  5. Be an Engaging Manager
    • Diffusing potential conflicts can begin before operators pull out for their shift. Managers should be aware of operators’ general moods and attitudes and be able to engage in a quick discussion or check in. Everyone experiences bad days, and an expression of support can go a long way to ease potential tension.


Whenever navigating a difficult circumstance, remember that your responsibility as an operator/Transdev employee is to create a safe and reliable environment for yourself and those around you.

Download the following resources to print and post in your location to always be reminded to stay cool, calm, and collected.


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