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Expect the Unexpected #4: Pedestrian Awareness Month

Safety Corner

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month. This year’s theme is “Everyone is a Pedestrian”.

Here are some sobering 2021 stats according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

  • 7,388 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes (a 12.5% increase from 2020)
  • An estimated 60,577 pedestrians injured in traffic crashes (an 11% increase from 2020)
  • On average, a pedestrian was killed every 71 minutes and injured every 9 minutes in traffic crashes in 2021

Based on our industry, we have additional responsibilities – both as drivers (at work and at home) and as pedestrians (at work and at home). It is everyone’s responsibility to be alert, be aware and not be distracted as both a driver and as a pedestrian. The results of not doing so are not worth it.


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