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Transdev’s Customer Experience Approach Featured in Metro Magazine

Safety Corner

Metro Magazine recently featured Transdev and two of our clients in their “How Transit Can Revolutionize the Customer Experience” story.

The article discusses how transit agencies are trying to create the best customer experience possible by enhancing technology to improving accessibility and fine-tuning the services they already provide.

Check out the great examples our Hudson Link team in Rockland County, New York provided, along with what our client at Contra Costa County (CCCTA) in California added.

The complete article is available here.

Thanks to Hudson Link’s Andrea Caccuro, Marketing and Customer Service Manager and Marjorie Chin, Assistant General Manager for their insights, along with WC Pihl, Transdev’s SVP of Business Development and our CCCTA client, Rashida Kamara, Director of County Connection Specialized Services.

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