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Feb. 4: Celebrate Transit Equity Day & Rosa Parks’ Birthday

Safety Corner

Rosa Parks’ influence on the transportation industry continues to have an impact today – close to 66 years after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama bus. So much so, that Transit Equity Day (February 4), which started in 2018, takes place on Rosa Parks’ birthday and it honors her role in the fight for transit equity.

Transdev operates under the principles that everyone has the right to equal access on public transit—not just today, not just during Black History Month, but always.

Looking forward to hearing how our operations recognized Transit Equity Day and Rosa Parks’ birthday across the country.

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Transdev Vet Pins On Their Way For Armed Forces Day (May 18)

Transdev Vet Pins On Their Way for Armed Forces Day (May 18)

Thank you to all our veterans who have signed up to receive their Transdev Veterans Pins. You should be receiving your pins in the mail this week. In case you missed out, we mail them out twice a year – in May and again in November around Veterans Day. You can still sign up.

In Other News

Transdev Vet Pins On Their Way For Armed Forces Day (May 18)

Transdev Vet Pins On Their Way for Armed Forces Day (May 18)

Thank you to all our veterans who have signed up to receive their Transdev Veterans Pins. You should be receiving your pins in the mail this week. In case you missed out, we mail them out twice a year – in May and again in November around Veterans Day. You can still sign up.