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Beat the Heat #8: Know the Signs of Dehydration

Safety Corner

As we conclude our “Beat the Heat” summer theme, we’d be remiss if we didn’t bring attention to the Signs of Dehydration, our final subtopic.

Did you know that by the time you are thirsty, you are already 2-3% dehydrated? Don’t wait! If you feel thirsty, dizzy, fatigued, confused or notice your mouth or skin is excessively dry, stop what you are doing, move to a cool area and get hydrated.

As a reminder, every couple of months, we will highlight another overall health & safety-related theme and some related sub-topics to help all of us show we care and keep health & safety top-of-mind – whether we are in the field, in an office or at home.

Stay tuned for our September/October theme coming soon.


In Other News

DEI Champion Opportunity Open To All Employees

DEI Champion Opportunity Open To All Employees

Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Council is looking for additional support across our regions and at our locations to help promote our DEI culture and related activities. If you have wanted to become involved in DEI, but felt you didn’t have the time to fully commit to joining the DEI Council, becoming a DEI Champion could be for you.

In Other News

DEI Champion Opportunity Open To All Employees

DEI Champion Opportunity Open To All Employees

Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Council is looking for additional support across our regions and at our locations to help promote our DEI culture and related activities. If you have wanted to become involved in DEI, but felt you didn’t have the time to fully commit to joining the DEI Council, becoming a DEI Champion could be for you.